Sats per Dollar:
Market Capitalization:
The Bitfinex Lightning Node has an inbound capacity of 179.48 BTC and an outbound capacity of 497.58 BTC.
Data for Mempool section goes here.
The Liquid sidechain has a peg-in capacity of 3,806.80 BTC, valued at $151.8M.
Data for Gold section goes here.
Data for Transactions section goes here.
Various corporations hold Bitcoin in their treasuries, with a total of 2,170,586 BTC valued at $86.6B.
Data for Chain Security section goes here.
Data for Mining section goes here.
Data for Transaction Fees section goes here.
The Bitcoin blockchain has reached a block height of 827,205, with a total UTXO set size of 159,477,357.
Data for Difficulty Retarget section goes here.
Data for Fee Estimate section goes here.
There are currently 17,057 reachable Bitcoin nodes, and 62.77% of them operate over the Tor network.
Data for Mining Economics section goes here.
Data for Samourai Whirlpool section goes here.
The Lightning Network has a total capacity of 4,834.49 BTC, with 80.4% of it operating over Tor.
Data for Halvings section goes here.
Data for Economics section goes here.
Data for Predicted Next Block section goes here.
Data for Stock-to-Flow (S2F) section goes here.
Data for Output Type Volume section goes here.
Data for Future Supply section goes here.
Data for Halving vs. Block Time section goes here.
Data for Top Node Versions section goes here.