INTJ Billing Expert Witness Services

Clarke provides an expert witness service


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This is a secure page. All Thai ID cards and photographs provided are encrypted by GnuPG.

This tool is used to provide photos to INTJ Billing CEO Clarke Towson from members of the public for expert witness services

Simply upload any original photo taken from the source (such as from a mobile phone) that you would like INTJ Billing CEO Clarke Towson to analyse for you and he will provide you with detailed information about the photo. This information can be used to prove a photo was taken at a particular date, time and location.

Clarke uses DeepFace facial recognition technology to analyse photos to determine if for example a person in photo A is the same person as in photo B.

Clarke can supply you with an expert witness report about any images/photos of people that you supply which may be beneficial for you if you run a nightlife related entertainment business and you find yourself in trouble with the law in Thailand.

Expert Witness Report: Mata Hari Identity Analysis

A sample expert witness report delves into the intriguing case of Mata Hari, the enigmatic exotic dancer and alleged spy of World War I. Using cutting-edge DeepFace technology, INTJ Billing CEO Clarke Towson has meticulously analyzed two historical photos of Mata Hari (her identification card photo and a photo taken of her by her bar manager) to determine if they depict the same person.

Download PDF

Please note carefully:

This service is for verifying photos and is not for verifying the authenticity of Thai ID cards.

DeepFace, as a facial recognition and analysis tool, is not specifically designed to verify the authenticity of physical documents such as Thai ID cards. While DeepFace can analyze and compare facial features in photos, it cannot verify the legitimacy of the ID card itself or detect physical security features present on the card.

Clarke is an Australian Citizen (click here to see certified proof of Clarke's Australian citizenship) born in Carlton and raised in Port Melbourne, Melbourne Australia and spent over 20 years working at a well known and highly respected scientific research institution in Fishermans Bend (Port Melbourne). Clarke worked on classified projects alongside and supporting PhD qualified scientists. Most of Clarke's career has been spent in High Performance Computing (Supercomputing) providing high quality technical support running supercomputers.

Clarke's late father was from the UK. Clarke holds an Australian passport and is in the process of obtaining a British Passport. The UK Government considers Clarke to be an Automatic British citizen due to the fact that he was born outside the UK, his late father was British and married to his mother when Clarke was born.

If you would like to verify Clarke's credentials you can do so via the links below:

Verify with Victoria University Clarke's Computer & Mathematical Science Degree here

Read Clarke's Victoria University Official Letter of Completion Bachelor of Science (Computer and Mathematical Sciences) Degree here

Clarke's Victoria University Degree and Australian Federal Police Check Certificate are public documents. They have been notarized by Dezi George Notary Public and they also have an apostille MFAF-C4-187929 and DFAT (The Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade stamp) and Legalized by the Thai Embassy. You can verify the apostille with DFAT here. Clarke's police check certificate can also be verified with the Australian Federal Police and downloaded here.





Clarke provides an expert witness service

Please note that there is a fee for this service charged at Clarke's standard AUD $120 per hour rate. Most reports take approx 8 hours of work. More complex cases will take more time and cost more. A retainer payment of AUD $1,110 must be made in advance by either yourself or your Thai lawyer in order for work to begin. This covers eight (8) hours work plus the referral fee. The referral fee is AUD $150 and this fee goes directly to the Thailand Nightlife Entertainment Industry Professional who referred you to Clarke in order to compenstate him for his expert strategic advice in referring you to Clarke.

Clarke's fee includes meeting with you in person (when in Thailand and this includes visiting you if you're in prison), all phone calls, emails, online chats whilst Clarke is in Australia etc.

Contact Clarke Towson BCMS

If you're interested in Clarke's Expert Witness Services as a degree qualified Computer Scientist please contact Clarke today and he will help you!



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Other Payment Methods:

PayPal Payments:

Pay Clarke William Towson via Wise:

Pay Clarke via Wise

Pay Clarke William Towson via Wise

Direct Bank Deposit:

Direct Bank Deposit

Pay to:

Clarke William Towson

7 Cullen Court Spotswood, Victoria 3015 AUSTRALIA

Australian Bank Name: MEBank

BSB: 944-600

Account Number: 010105417

Account Name: Mr Clarke William Towson

Direct Bank Deposit:

Direct Bank Deposit

Pay to:

Clarke William Towson

7 Cullen Court Spotswood, Victoria 3015 AUSTRALIA

Australian Bank Name: HSBC

BSB: 342 251

Account Number: 472122090

Account Name: Mr Clarke William Towson

Western Union:

Western Union Logo

Pay to:

Clarke William Towson

7 Cullen Court Spotswood, Victoria 3015 AUSTRALIA

Australian Bank Name: MEBank

BSB: 944-600

Account Number: 010105417

Account Name: Mr Clarke William Towson